$12 Eggs
Joe Biden has egg on his face. When the cost of a dozen eggs in the grocery store reaches twelve bucks, the economy is broken. Inflation over the past 3 years has ravished the United States far worse than any enemy, foreign or domestic.
This author estimates that we have lost some 50% (that's right, FIFTY percent) of our purchasing power over the past 3 years alone. And it has hit us where it hurts most; housing, food, energy, healthcare, and education. Nobody really cares about the cost of a ton of soybeans, that is literally for bean counters in Washington, D.C.!
The median American has been decimated by rampant inflation in core goods and services. Paying for two wars and absorbing some 5-10% of the existing US population in new migrants has triggered massive price increases across the board. "Free" is probably the most expensive word in existence; trillions in spending adds up, especially if there is not a corresponding increase in productivity. Empty carbs kill.