Friday, March 15, 2024

Ides of March

Ides of March

2,068 years ago Julius Caesar was assassinated in the Theatre of Pompey, ending the Roman Republic and starting the Roman Empire. The death of Julius Caesar led to the collapse of the Roman Republic and the ascension of his adopted heir Octavian who in 27 BC avenged Caesar's death. Octavian ultimately became Augustus Caesar and launched what would become the Roman Empire.
Pax Romana, or Roman Peace, in this new Roman Empire lasted some 200 years across what was then the known world including large swaths of the Mediterranean, Northern Europe, and Northern Africa. It was at this time that Roman Citizenship afforded one unprecedented safety and security; a Roman Citizen could walk the known world with the assurance of the Roman Empire behind him. This citizenship status was one of the greatest benefits Romans enjoyed and allowed trade, commerce, and civilization to spread unimpeded for thousands of miles in all directions from Rome.
In a world today where few people know the birthdates of their own grandparents, it is striking how the pull of history reminds us to the day of an event over 2,000 years ago, with only the birth of Jesus as a more profound and exact historical recording. Indeed, the scale of the respective Caesars' power was such that time was altered to incorporate their legacy into months of the year; July & August.