Golden Years
These are not the "Golden Years" of which many Americans have dreamed. Over the past 3.5 years inflation has destroyed ~45% of purchasing power. Proof? In January 2021 gold was fetching approximately $1850 per troy ounce. Yesterday we reached yet another all-time high in the noble metal, closing the day at $2686. So in less than 4 years almost HALF of your purchasing power has been wiped out.
Why does this matter? It provides concrete evidence that there has been wholesale destruction to the purchasing power of the American dollar. The prices in the grocery store, gas pump, and doctor's office are all real, and they hurt. Gold is a great litmus test because governments cannot create it, unlike fiat money like the US dollar. Much has been written of gold on this blog and how it is a physical form of truth.
America needs to move away from a policy of "Tax, Spend, and Regulate" to one promoting creation; ideally this country facilitates growth by a meritocracy of ideas stabilized by the rule of law. We want the best engineers, scientists, physicians, entrepreneurs, and leaders. The problem with policy failure is that accountability takes at least 4 years at the national level. By that time chaos can reign, but there is hope for creators.
One surefire way to reduce what I consider to be the bane of society, inflation, is to increase productivity. Increasing productivity is a function of treating creators and their capital, both mental and fiscal, well. If that is not an outcome in the coming months, then prepare for gold's luster to shine even brighter. Expect the US dollar to further weaken with increased debt not supported by increased productivity.
Many of society's problems can be both addressed and solved by unleashing the power of productivity. Enable creators to operate in free markets to create solutions. Removing over-regulation facilitates outcomes in the best interest of society because it is the very members of the society who will make economic choices in their own best interests. Choice is the cornerstone of freedom and democracy.
Ideally capital flows where it is best utilized and not via a laundering system which charges an exorbitant toll to deliver diminishing funds; consider the overhead in the existing income redistribution model. How many hundreds of billions are collected simply to hand out hundreds of millions? Less of the middleman is better for the middle class and nearly everyone else too.
For the majority of Americans the answers are both simple and obvious; we know what is broken, we know how to fix it, and we know who is accountable. The challenge is can we still get a fair shake at the voting booth to elect leaders who can implement the will of the people? Does the rule of law still exist? Will an unelected shadow cabal run this country? These are the challenges of our Golden Years.