Friday, January 17, 2025

The Brass Ring

 The Brass Ring

Here at Invest Like A Farmer (ILAF) we play the long game, and you should too. Investing over the long-term, by definition, provides significantly more opportunities for you to compound your wealth than shorter, sporadic intervals. Even measly annual returns compounded over time can become great generators of wealth. We are not interested, however, in measly returns at ILAF...we seek the brass ring during life's carousel.

Getting the brass ring is tricky though, it takes a combination of skill and luck. For some, they are given a brass ring upon birth and their challenges are different; the adage "from shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations" is often aptly true. For those on the come, the deck and the game need to be understood.

Here is a quick primer: Modern economics in the United States has basically evolved from five (5) seminal events over the past ~100 years. One could go on the cocktail circuit for a lifetime simply addressing these five events.

The first was the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. For better or worse, this created an unelected quasi-government akin to Gringott's Wizarding Bank. Over time "The Fed" has arguably become the most powerful unelected (unaccountable?) organization in the world. Controlling interest rates is God-like power.

The second event(s) were World War I and World War II. Wars are extremely expensive in terms of resources, both physical and human capital. The United States transformed from a largely agrarian economy and culture to a full-on manufacturing behemoth. Some argue that the United States entry into WWII finally got it out of the Great Depression.

Bookending the two World Wars, there occurred the third and fourth events. The third was the creation of the income tax via the 16th Amendment in 1913 which effectively replaced tariffs for supporting the Federal, State, and Local government expenses. The fourth event occurred at the tail end of WWII, The Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944 which made the U.S. Dollar the de facto reserve currency for the entire World.

Finally, the fifth seminal event following the creation of the Federal Reserve, the 16th Amendment, WWI & WWII, and Bretton Woods was in 1971 when President Nixon took the United States off of the Gold Standard.

Often referred to as the "Nixon Shock," it effectively ended 2,000 years of monetary policy which had tethered gold to a unit of global government money.  These five events are critical to the long-term game plan of investors seeking the proverbial brass ring.

What the five seminal events normalized was the loss in buying power of the United States Dollar over time, ie a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow. The Fed organized it, the income tax solidified it, wars (WWI, WW2, Vietnam) expanded it, and Bretton Woods transmitted it around the world.

These five events have made it possible for the government(s) to essentially print unlimited amounts of money without necessarily creating any additional value. Everything humanity knows is finite, except fiat money. That is infinite. The only way around this quagmire is for investors is to: 1) Create value by increasing productivity in some manner, 2) Buy Assets, and/or 3) Live a long time. The crib notes? Create Value, Buy Assets, Live Long...CVBALL.